Curriculum Vitae

Ioannis Dimakopoulos was born in Athens. He is a Clinical Dietitian/ Nutritionist, who graduated from the Department of Nutritional Sciences of the University of Surrey (B.Sc. Nutrition (Hons)).
His postgraduate studies were in dietetics at the Department of Nutrition & Dietetics of the Faculty of Life Science & Medicine of King’s College London, a funded course from the National Health Service (M.Sc. Dietetics).
He participated as a Ph.D. candidate in the Hellenic National Nutrition & Health Survey (HNNHS), which was conducted by the Unit of Human Nutrition of the Agricultural University of Athens in collaboration with faculty members of Athens Medical School and Harokopio University. He defended his doctoral thesis and was awarded a Ph.D. with “Distinction” (Supervisor Professor Zampelas Antonis). To see a list of scientific publications click here.
He trained for 15 months in National Health Service (N.H.S) hospitals in London, like the Great Ormond Street Hospital, the Kingston Hospital, the University College London Hospital, etc. In addition, he trained in techniques of nutritional behaviour modification, communication and assertiveness as well as in the programme “Beyond dieting: Psychoeducational interventions for chronically overweight women”.
He is working as a Clinical Dietitian-Nutritionist while in the past he worked as a Nutritionist in Holmes Place Athens and Glyfada.
He drafted an undergraduate Dietetics programme (B.Sc. (Hons) Dietetics) which was validated by the University of Wales as well as a Dietetics Higher National Diploma (H.N.D) programme which was validated by EDEXCEL on behalf of Aegean Omiros College.
He writes in both printed and electronic media (Plan Be magazine, website).
He has made speeches for the public as well as for health scientists like for instance at the 1st Symposium of Weight Management organized by the Hellenic Dietetic Association, for the municipality of Vrilisia, for Nike etc.
He is an active member of the Hellenic Dietetic Association. He serves/served :
- Secretary General of the 11th H.D.A. congress in Nutrition & Dietetics
- Vice-president of the Auditing Committee
- Member of the organizing committee for Nutrition Week 2010
- Member of the Communication Team as well as
- Member of the Specialists Team in Weight Management
He is a member of the British Dietetics Association (BDA) and of the Health Professions Council (HPC), of the Hellenic Atherosclirosis Society (EEA) and of the Hellenic Diabetes Association (ΕΔΕ).
He participated in a study concerning the nutritional valuation of kidney patients. He wrote a chapter for a book for the nutritional management of diabetic nephropathy published by EDTNA/ERCA. He translated the book Counseling skills for dietitians in Greek. He wrote a chapter on the relationship between antioxidants and cardiovascular diseases in collaboration with Professor Zampelas Antonis.
He has completed a number of postgraduate seminars and systematically attends conferences about nutrition and health.