9 steps to mindful eating
Contemporary way of life doesn’t allow for much leisure time. Due to stress we deprive our body from the care it needs. A part of that is what and how much to eat.
Read more »Weight loss: a strictly personal affair
The secret to successfully losing weight is to look into all its parameters and then tailor them to our measures. That’s how to be effective. And there are several ways to do so.
Read more »The “miracle” diet
How is our weight affected by what we eat and drink? To study the effect food has on us isn’t straightforward; significant time and effort are required. It is better though than personal observation, which might help lose weight when we want to, but could be proven dangerous for our health.
Read more »Returning to (nutrition) normality
At the beginning of each New Year, following a holiday period of minor or major excesses, many seek way(s) to restitute and detox. They try their luck with diets dominated by juice consumption or specific foods, or even food supplements and medication.
Read more »Post summer holidays weight loss
After the summer has ended we may find ourselves a bit on the plus side, plus a few pounds that is. Once more we switch onto lose-weight mode, while reminiscing about our holidays. Despite some melancholy this doesn’t need to be overly difficult.
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