Weight management

The pitfalls of religious fasting
Those who fast during lent abstain from eating meat, including fish, and dairy. For many this abstinence translates to weight loss during this period. However exclusion of specific food from our diet doesn’t necessarily mean that we’ll lose weight. On the contrary in order to slim down or maintain your weight you should bear in mind two important points (there are others mind), which if ignored you could gain not lose weight.
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What I’d say to those who wish to change their diet
Many choose to enter into a weight loss programme around this time of the year, this time being the timespan which begins these days and ends six months later. It is true that a healthy weight is a necessary condition for a healthy body. Maintaining a healthy weight, avoid smoking and exercising are the three main factors through which we can protect our health.
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Healthy eating during the holidays
During this period many of us eat more and gain weight. Is there an antidote to that? Here we’ll analyse the three phases of healthy eating, and draw to a close with the role of exercise.
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Keep moving
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. ”A.Einstein
How movement and not only exercise helps you lose weight.
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Hunger & satiety
The feeling of hunger is completely normal. I’m hungry means my organism notifies me that it needs food to carry on functioning. Obviously hunger regulates the quantity of food we consume, to a significant degree, and as a consequence our body weight.
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