
Keep moving
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. ”A.Einstein
How movement and not only exercise helps you lose weight.
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Antioxidants: what they are and what they do
Antioxidants are natural defenders against oxidation. They are an army of substances that prevent cell damage, while free radicals are the opposing army. Their actions are only understood in unison. Below, we briefly explain what antioxidants are and what they do, how free radicals are generated, the sources of antioxidants and their health benefits.
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Eggs and cholesterol: a big misunderstanding
In 1968 the American Heart Association recommended to citizens to consume a maximum of three eggyolks per week, based on the assumption that increased consumption of cholesterol in foods leads to increased cholesterol in the blood –and therefore elevated the risk of cardiovascular disease. The scientific community has now revised those recommendations.
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The importance of hydration during the summer
As temperatures rise, we chose this time of the year to stress the importance of drinking water and hydration. By hydration we usually mean an increase in the moisture of skin cells. Nevertheless by drinking water we not only hydrate our skin but we benefit our body in multiple ways.
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Walking and health for older people
The level of glucose on our blood is called glycaemia. Our body naturally produces insulin, a hormone used to keep glucose at the desired levels. Insulin facilitates the absorption of glucose and also restraints its supply from the liver.
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