
Is red and processed meat causing cancer?
A Working Group comprising of 22 scientists from ten countries gathered in Lyon, France (at International Agency for Research on Cancer) to discuss the influence that the consumption of red meat and processed meat has on carcinogenicity. In order to do that the Group inspected more than 800 studies which examined the relation of cancer with eating red and processed meat.
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Mediterranean diet and cardiodiabesity
There is a relatively new term called cardiodiabesity. It underlines the connection of cardiovascular disease (CVD), obesity, the metabolic syndrome (MetS) and type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia, μεσογειακη διαιταabdominal obesity, dyslipidaemia, hypertension are some of the factors that connect them. Apart from highlighting this link, the term also indicates that each should be viewed in combination with the rest.
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Early development, lifestyle and diabetes
As early as when we are in our mother’s womb, the conditions we are subjected to influence the risk we have of developing type II diabetes later in life. However that risk is also influenced by our lifestyle later on.
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Spices and health
The benefits from consuming spices have been recorded in the past. For Asians and Caucasians eating red pepper limits the appetite which in turn limits energy intake thus reducing the risk of gaining weight. Spices may deter the development of bacteria and have been linked to a lower incidence of cancer.
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Olive oil and cardiovascular health
Olive oil, an important component of the Mediterranean diet may have benefits for those at risk of developing some short of cardiovascular disease. Before we continue we should clarify the main types of olive oil consumed. Oil produced from pressing mature olives is called virgin olive oil. The best quality quantities of which comprise the extra virgin olive oil.
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